Mouse Rat. Not Scarecrow Boat, Everything Rhymes With Orange, Fleetwood Mac Sexpants, Threeskin, Just The Tip, Tackleshaft, or Teddy Bear Suicide.

Project 365 Day #129

AE Stueve
May 9, 2023

“The Pit” by Mouse Rat

“The Pit” from the album The Awesome Album, released in 2021

“The Pit” is an awesome song from Parks & Recreation, an awesome television show. The show, the band, everything about it just makes me happy. That’s why this song is on this list and that’s why you may eventually find a few more Mouse Rat bangers here.

See what else I’ve placed on Project 365 here.



AE Stueve

AE Stueve teaches and writes in Omaha, NE. Check out all of his available work at