Order. Drive through burgers, baby.

Project 365 Day #272

“Sabotage” by Beastie Boys

AE Stueve
Sep 29, 2023


“Sabotage” from the album Ill Communication, released in 1994

Ah, the mid-90s. What a time to be alive! The Beastie Boys were out here dropping weird rock n’ roll songs with equally weird videos. We were all wondering what was going on in the Clintons’ bedroom. Very few of us had cell phones. The wars we were fighting hadn’t been going on for nearly as long…

It was a more innocent time.

It also rocked. I remember blasting this little number as I drove too fast down Kimberly Road in Davenport, IA. I remember blasting this little number as I sat in my bedroom reading Stephen King books. I remember dancing to this little number at the all ages nightclub I frequented.

And I always will.

See what else I’ve placed on Project 365 here.



AE Stueve

AE Stueve teaches and writes in Omaha, NE. Check out all of his available work at aestueve.com