Chill. You’re in the Hamptons.

Project #365 Day #52

“Magic in the Hamptons” by Social House & Lil’ Yachty

AE Stueve
1 min readFeb 21, 2023


“Magic in the Hamptons,” released in 2018

Sometimes a song just hits right and it’s difficult to explain. Though it was released in 2018, I didn’t hear “Magic in the Hamptons” until 2020 during the height of Covid thanks to TikTok.

The world, as best as I could tell, hated quarantine. I loved it. To be fair, I missed a few elements of society — soda fountain drinks were at the top of the list — but overall I enjoyed working from home, taking my dogs for walks, and watching silly TikTok videos.

Thanks to that last activity, “Magic in the Hamptons” became an earworm and I found myself humming or singing it without even thinking. When a song can do that, it’s either really good or really bad.

For me, this one is really good.

See what else I’ve placed on Project 365 here.



AE Stueve

AE Stueve teaches and writes in Omaha, NE. Check out all of his available work at